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Digital Courses 

Below are the digital courses available to you with your purchase.

With your purchase of $497, you will have the resell rights to resell this course at 100% profits. Whether you choose to resell or not, you will upgrade your digital literacy and support your business growth. 

Module 1: Introduction to Digital Marketing


This course introduces students to the fundamentals of business and digital marketing. Students will learn the key principles of business, management, and strategy, as well as how to apply them in the context of digital marketing or any other business.


Module 2: How to Build your Own Branded Sales Process


This course teaches students how to build a branded sales funnel that effectively converts prospects into customers. Students will learn how to create a compelling brand identity, design landing pages that capture leads, craft persuasive email campaigns, and create high-converting sales pages


Module 3: Email Marketing


This course focuses on the principles and best practices of email marketing. Students will learn how to create effective email campaigns that engage and convert subscribers. They will explore topics such as email design, list segmentation, automation, personalization, and analytics, and develop practical skills through hands-on projects and case studies.


Module 4: Content Strategies for Social Media Channels


This course is designed to teach students how to develop and execute a comprehensive content strategy. Students will learn how to define their target audience, create compelling content that resonates with them, and distribute that content across different channels and platforms. They will also explore strategies for measuring the effectiveness of their content and using data to optimize their strategy.


Module 5: Social Platforms and How to Market

This course is designed to teach students how to leverage different social media platforms to effectively market their business. Students will learn how to create engaging content for platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube. They will also explore strategies for building a following, increasing engagement, and driving traffic to their website


Module 6: Branding Expansion


This course is designed to help students develop and implement a strong brand strategy for their business. Students will learn the fundamentals of branding, including how to create a unique brand identity, develop a brand voice and personality, and build a strong brand reputation. They will also explore strategies for brand positioning, messaging, and differentiation, and learn how to communicate their brand effectively across different channels and touch points.


Module 7: Business Tools

This course is designed to introduce students to a range of tools and technologies that can help businesses operate more efficiently and effectively. Students will explore a variety of business tools, including project management software, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, financial management software, and marketing automation platforms.


Module 8: ChatGPT Masterclass


Discover the power of cutting-edge artificial intelligence and language processing with our ChatGPT Masterclass. This immersive online course is meticulously designed to empower you with invaluable knowledge and skills to leverage ChatGPT effectively in every aspect of your life.


Module 9: Google Productivity Hacks


Discover a treasure trove of invaluable tips and tricks to streamline your workflow using Google's powerful suite of tools. From Gmail to Google Drive, Sheets, Docs, and beyond, our Productivity Hacks will empower you to navigate these platforms with ease and finesse.


Module 10: Affiliate Marketing


Inside the Affiliate marketing Module you will find basic skills on how to start using affiliate marketing in your business to create additional streams of income.


Module 11: Passion Building


Inside this module, you will learn how to determine what you are passionate about and how to build a business around that.


Module 12: The Ultimate Content Vault


Inside the Ultimate Content Vault, you'll discover an unparalleled collection of inspiration at your fingertips. Unleash your creativity with a vast array of blog post ideas, social media prompts, video concepts, and more. No more staring at a blank screen; the Content Vault has your back!


This has been one of the best investments that I have made to my digital education and business.

© 2023 by Jessica Jane Mancini

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